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Nature/flowers make me have hope, because if there can still be beautiful flowers growing, then maybe thingd will get better soon. I couldn't get a picture of the sunset in time but is also gives me hope. Even though everything is bad right now, the sun still comes up and sets everyday and a new day starts. No matter how bad things get in this world.

I took this on a hike i took, the view made me feel small in a big world. It was so beautiful and breathtaking to look at and take in, i couldn't imagine if the world just fell apart because of all this.

This morning the military housing gave us a a Easter parade due to the hunt being cancelled. It was really sweet and gave people hope for the near future

This reminded me that there is love in everything even when there is a big virus going around.

The American flag always gave me hope no matter whether there was a war or sickness or anything wrong.

Christianity gets me through everything and anything. When I'm scared about something I depend on God to get me through it or help me get through it even when it feels like i can't

My family is for sure something that gives me hope, they help me when I'm struggling even when I feel like they weren't there for me. They keep us safe and getting us through the hardships of life

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